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Holding a Hearing on a Preliminary Injury Investigation of the Anti-dumping Duty Case on Portland Cement and Its Clinker from Vietnam
Holding a Hearing on a Preliminary Injury Investigation of the Anti-dumping Duty Case on Portland Cement and Its Clinker from Vietnam
The International Trade Administration (TITA) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) will hold a hearing as a venue for face-to-face communication between representatives of domestic producers, foreign producers and exporters, importers, and other interested parties. The hearing will be held on Sep. 4, 2024, 2:00 p.m., at room 101AB of the Taipei International Convention Center, located at No.1 Sec. 5, Hsin-Yi Road., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Those who wish to attend the hearing shall register through the TITA's website: https://www.trade.gov.tw, or by fax or email before Sep. 2, 2024. The hearing shall be held in Chinese. Foreign participants who intend to state their opinions in a foreign language shall bring their own interpreters. Persons who signed up to present their views in the first phase of the hearing are also invited to attend the pre-hearing meeting, which will be held at 1:40 p.m. prior to the hearing, in order to arrange the sequence and time allocation of the presentations in the first phase of the hearing.
Taiwan's Trade Remedy Commission makes an affirmative injury determination in the antidumping duty case concerning offset printing plate from China
Taiwan's Trade Remedy Commission makes an affirmative injury determination in the antidumping duty case concerning offset printing plate from China
On May 16, 2024 the Trade Remedy Commission of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) made a determination that an industry in Taiwan (ROC) is materially injured by reason of imports of offset printing plate from China that have been found by the Ministry of Finance to be sold in Taiwan (ROC) at less than normal value. Under the jurisdiction set forth in the Regulations Governing the Implementation of the Imposition of Countervailing and Anti-dumping Duties, the MOEA has notified the Ministry of Finance of its final determination. The public version of the final injury investigation report in Chinese is available on the International Trade Administration's website (https://www.trade.gov.tw/).
Taiwan's Trade Remedy Commission makes an affirmative injury determination in the third (sunset) review concerning the antidumping duty order on towelling products from China
Taiwan's Trade Remedy Commission makes an affirmative injury determination in the third (sunset) review concerning the antidumping duty order on towelling products from China
On November 20, 2023 the Trade Remedy Commission of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) made a determination that the revocation of the antidumping duty order on towelling products from China would be likely to lead to a continuation or recurrence of injury on the domestic industry. The subject products in this case are collectively referred to as towelling products. In August 2023, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) made a determination in this review that revocation of the antidumping duty order on towelling products from China would be likely to lead to a continuation or recurrence of dumping. As required by the Regulations Governing the Implementation of the Imposition of Countervailing and Anti-dumping Duties, the MOEA shall notify the MOF of the aforementioned determination of injury by the Trade Remedy Commission, and the MOF shall make a decision on whether the antidumping duty order shall continue. Following the organizational restructuring of the MOEA, which took effect on September 26, 2023 the Trade Remedy Commission was established to make pertinent determinations regarding trade remedy cases. The Commission's staff operations are entrusted to the International Trade Administration (TITA) under the MOEA. A public version of the injury investigation report in Chinese will be available after December 20, 2023 on the TITA's website (https://www.trade.gov.tw/).
ITC Makes an Affirmative Preliminary Injury Determination in the Antidumping Duty Case Concerning Offset Printing Plate from China
ITC Makes an Affirmative Preliminary Injury Determination in the Antidumping Duty Case Concerning Offset Printing Plate from China
On July 19 2023 the International Trade Commission (ITC) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) made an affirmative preliminary determination in its injury investigation involving offset printing plate from China. According to the affirmative preliminary determination, the ITC found that there is a reasonable indication that a Taiwan (ROC) industry is materially injured by reason of imports of offset printing plate from China that are alleged to be sold in Taiwan (ROC) at less than normal value. Under the jurisdiction set forth in the Regulations Governing the Implementation of the Imposition of Countervailing and Antidumping Duties, the MOEA shall make an investigation, conducted by the ITC, as to whether there is any injury to a Taiwan (ROC) industry.  As a result of the MOEA's affirmative preliminary determination, the Ministry of Finance will continue to conduct a dumping investigation of imports of offset printing plate from China, and its preliminary determination will be made within 70 days (if not extended) after the next day of receipt of a notice of the foregoing determination. The public version in Chinese of the preliminary injury investigation report is expected to be available after August 19, 2023 from ITC's website https://www.moeaitc.gov.tw. Spokesperson of the International Trade Commission: Mr. Guang-Shiun Chiou, Deputy Executive Secretary Telephone: 886-2-2506-6670 ext.101 E-mail: gschiou@moeaitc.gov.tw Contact person: Ms. Su-Chuan Lin Telephone: 886-2-2506-6670 ext.503 E-mail: sijlin @moeaitc.gov.tw
ITC Makes an Affirmative Final Injury Determination in the Antidumping Duty Case Concerning Float Glass, in Sheets from Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand
ITC Makes an Affirmative Final Injury Determination in the Antidumping Duty Case Concerning Float Glass, in Sheets from Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand
On April 17, 2023 the International Trade Commission (ITC) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) made a final determination that an industry in Taiwan (ROC) is materially injured by reason of imports of float glass, in sheets from Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand that have been found by the Ministry of Finance to be sold in Taiwan (ROC) at less than normal value. Under the jurisdiction set forth in the Regulations Governing the Implementation of the Imposition of Countervailing and Anti-dumping Duties, the MOEA shall notify the Ministry of Finance of its final determination.  As a result of the affirmative final injury determination, the Ministry of Finance shall determine whether to impose an anti-dumping duty within 10 days from the next day of receipt of the foregoing notice from the MOEA. The public version in Chinese of the final injury investigation report is expected to be available after May 17, 2023 from ITC's website (https://www.moeaitc.gov.tw). Spokesperson of the International Trade Commission: Mr. Guang-Shiun Chiou, Deputy Executive Secretary Telephone: 886-2-2506-6670 ext.101 E-mail: gschiou@moeaitc.gov.tw Contact person: Mr. Hsin-Shan Lin Telephone: 886-2-2506-6670 ext.513 E-mail: sslinbob@moeaitc.gov.tw

International Trade Administration: 1 Hu Kou Street, Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei, 100057, Taiwan, R.O.C.
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