The ITC will Conduct A Hearing Concerning the Preliminary Injury Investigation of Uncoated Printing and Writing Paper From Japan, China and Indonesia
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In order to proceed with the preliminary injury investigation of Uncoated Printing and Writing Paper from Japan, China and Indonesia, the ITC will conduct a hearing to provide an opportunity for face-to-face communication between representatives of domestic producers, foreign producers, importers, and other interested parties.
The ITC is inviting the interested parties to attend the hearing in order that they may present their views on this case. The hearing will be held on Oct. 31, 2006, 9:00 a.m., at room 101D of the Taipei International Convention Center, which is located at 1 Hsin-Yi Road, Sec. 5, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.. For those people wish to appear at this hearing, please inform us before Oct. 24, 2006 by fax, airmail or e-mail. Persons signed up for presenting their views on this case are also invited to attend the pre-hearing conference, which will be held at 8:40 a.m. prior to the hearing, and they are strongly encouraged to provide 15 copies of their written statements as well as the summaries of their views, with signature.